Martin Claar
Assistant Professor
- Political Science
Contact Information
- 614-236-6136
- Trinity Lutheran Seminary 212
Book Chapter:
Accommodation and Containment: Great Britain and Germany prior to the two world wars (Martin Claar and Norrin Ripsman). In T.V. Paul, Accommodating Rising Powers: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Peer-Review Journal Articles:
Gas, Power and Norms: Competing Logics for the Declining Use of Chemical Warfare. (co-authored with Damir Kovacevic and Fnu Afrimadona) [July 2019, Nonproliferation Review]. Nowhere to Hide: The Changing Use of Chemical Agents during the Vietnam War. (co-authored with Damir Kovacevic) [Accepted, Forthcoming at Nonproliferation Review, August 2022].
Gas, Power and Norms: Chemical Warfare Dataset. (Developed in conjunction with Damir Kovacevic and Fnu Afrimadona) [2019, Nonproliferation Review].
The Swords of Damocles: Understanding Unconventional Weapon Non-Use in Modern War [work in progress].